Supporting HiT

While HiT is a voluntary affair, I do it for love, not money, I do invest a significant amount of time in the comic, at least as much as a casual job. The comic is free to view, and this will never change, but there are a number of voluntary ways you can help me bear the temporal and financial costs of running it. The simplest way is by simply donating to me via paypal. ALL donation money recieved in this way goes straight back into the comic on equipment (pens, books, applications, tablet accessories and so forth), advertising on other sites and site upkeep (though thanks to comic genesis this is currently negligible) . You can also support me through purchasing banner advertisments, and (hopefully) will soon be able to buy merchandise and/or paper/ebook versions of the comic with additional material. That all said, the best way you can support me is just by reading the comic!

Contacting me:

You can contact Thereisnosaurus at


You can vote for Hero in Training on one of the online ranking systems. This increase's the comic's standing, meaning I get more visitors, which makes me happy, so this is the simplest and best way of supporting me in my work- if you like the comic and you think more people should see it, vote!. Click on either (or both) of the icons below to vote.

The Webcomic List

Straight donations:

Click the link below to donate to me via paypal. Donors will recieve the occasional preview, special wallpaper and plenty of other goodies and so forth (extra comics, advance previews, first dibs on limited ed gear and so forth)

Site banner adds: 

I offer four small 128x60 banners and a 128x480 tower add alongside the left of the page under the navigation options. Currently untill I have worked out profit sharing with my host, banner advertising will be offered on a trade only basis- if you can and want to stick a banner on your website linking to me and you get in before anyone else, you might just score yourself a spot :). Note that you can only advertise non-commercial sites on HiT as anything else would violate my TOS with comicgenesis. By non-commercial sites I mean community, charity or comic sites that do not exist to make money. Please contact me at for further information.


Currently HiT doesn't have a store, but I have plans to make a small run of the usual comic fare of shirts, mugs and other paraphenalia. If you particularly like a certain image or quote, let me know and it might just make it into the range. I plan to release books for each 'part' of hero in training, the parts consisting of five chapters each, (so the first one should be out early-mid 2008). As it stands, the books will probably be hardcover and limited edition, given the difficulty of printing coloured strips of the size I produce in a standard papery managa/strip comic book. Keep any ear out for rumors!

Hero In Training is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.